φορτηγό για την μεταφορά πιάνων
εταιρική μεταφορά πιάνων
Μεταφορά πιάνου σε κίτρινο δίχτυ
εταιρία για την ασφαλή μεταφορά πιάνων
  • Our company has created a department of transport of Pianos and musical instruments staffed by experienced and skilled personnel.
  • The know-how and the most modern equipment available allows us to safely undertake any transfer of piano or musical instrument regardless of degree of difficulty.

Medium logo of the company

The transport of pianos and musical instruments contains great difficulties and many problems. In order for a workshop to be able to handle them and to cope with the problems that will arise, it must first of all have the appropriate means. But what are these?

These are the special lifting equipment, the cranes, the special belts and the special straps with which the pianos and other musical instruments are insured. Of course these tools are not enough to make a safe transfer of piano or other musical instrument, it is necessary to use high quality packaging materials and suitable storage spaces.

Of course all the above would be without any importance without the necessary know-how and the experience of the personnel that will carry each musical instrument. If the workshop does not know how to solve a piano or other musical instrument to be transported more easily it is likely to cause problems or even damage to the musical instrument that will be transferred.

So it would be nice when you are looking for a company to carry a piano or another musical instrument, to choose one that has experience in that space and not to undertake such transfers completely randomly and occasionally.